I paint nature. Being present to natures healing influence is the guiding principle of my life and art. I want to reconnect people to the richness and beauty that abounds within and around us.
My intention is to invoke in the viewer a contemplative presence-freeing the busy, self-contracted, grasping mind into wakefulness, spaciousness, and clarity that is ever present in the natural world.
Each painting is a leap into the unknown, a fresh start. There is no road map or set formula. It presents its own demands, challenges, and calls for unique responses’. Leading, following, listening, the process unfolds like a dance. The results are often beautiful and surprising.
I paint on location and in the studio. I hold the initial inspiration/idea in my mind’s eye allowing flexibility for the painting to take on a life of its own. The most important factor is the quality of light. This atmospheric light suffuses and permeates the scene conveying feeling, emotion, mood, and mystery.